Another Maternity Unit Closing

In response to Dan Bourchier’s ABC News interview today with Alison Weatherstone from the Australian College of Midwives. Read the article by Janelle Miles and view the interview While Ms Weatherstone acknowledged that private obstericians provide continuity of care for mothers and babies, the interview completely overlooked that care by an obstetrician is the onlyContinue reading “Another Maternity Unit Closing”

Inherent Risks in Removing Collaborative Arrangements

Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care, Ged Kearney, recently released a statement announcing the introduction of a bill that will remove the requirement for a Collaborative Arrangement for Nurse Practitioners and Endorsed Midwives. This will mean that these healthcare professionals will be able to prescribe medications without a discussion with a medical practitioner. NASOGContinue reading “Inherent Risks in Removing Collaborative Arrangements”

Keep NASOG at the Forefront…

NASOG’s Goals: Revive thriving private practice in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Reverse the pressure on public hospital maternity units. Return maternity services to regional and rural areas. End misogyny around the cost of health insurance for women. Promote collaborative care and a woman’s right to choose how they deliver. Amplify the rights of specialist O&Gs inContinue reading “Keep NASOG at the Forefront…”

A New NASOG Council

The 2023 NASOG AGM was held on Wednesday 29 November. While some long standing Council members remain, including President, A/Prof Gino Pecoraro OAM, there are new Councillors enthusiastic to take the Association forward. As the maternity services crisis worsens across the country, the new Council’s goal is to further amplify the voice of NASOG withContinue reading “A New NASOG Council”

Remove the Bureaucratic Blocks that Enable the Queensland Maternity Crisis

The maternity crisis rolls on in Queensland, but those offering some solutions are being blocked by bureaucrats. Add your name to our petition to allow Dr Liz Jackson and Dr Anusha Lazzari to deliver private patients in the Cairns Public Hospital after the closure of the Private Hospital maternity unit on 1 November. The publicContinue reading “Remove the Bureaucratic Blocks that Enable the Queensland Maternity Crisis”

A Road to Somewhere…..

I don’t know about you, but the past four months have had a ‘Groundhog Day’ sensation about them for me. The media in various parts of the country has continued to cover private maternity ward closures, public hospitals on maternity bypass and the stress caused to women in regional Australia by the uncertainty of whereContinue reading “A Road to Somewhere…..”

A Little Less Conversation. A Little More Action.

In the month since our last newsletter, I have appeared in over 15 media pieces, attended 1 maternity workforce Roundtable and met with State and Federal politicians. Political meetings have included the Federal Opposition Leader, the Federal Assistant Health Minister and the new Queensland Health Minister Amid renewed calls for involvement of the highest levelsContinue reading “A Little Less Conversation. A Little More Action.”

Are We Accepting the Death of Private Obstetrics?

Are you losing count of the closures of private maternity units in recent years? It seems that we can’t go two months without hearing about another case of private unit closure and subsequent crisis in the already overwhelmed public system. NASOG’s fight in Cairns has current media attention, but this is not a Queensland specificContinue reading “Are We Accepting the Death of Private Obstetrics?”

No Risk Births?

As the regional maternity crisis continues to roll out across the country, Queensland Health bureaucrats are attempting to address the high-profile maternity bypass at Gladstone Hospital by enabling ‘No Risk Births’ to take place there. Superficially, this may appear to be good news for the expectant mothers of the Gladstone district. However, NASOG has aContinue reading “No Risk Births?”

Canberra. We Have A Problem.

Since I became NASOG President in 2019, I have used the word ‘Crisis’ in relation to obstetric services in almost every article, interview and meeting I have been involved in. This is not an overstatement and far from being sensationalist,  the situation is worsening and demands our attention if we are to safeguard obstetric servicesContinue reading “Canberra. We Have A Problem.”